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To be a vibrant educational organisation, at the forefront of meeting the changing needs of our community, in flexible, innovative and proactive ways.
To respond to the learning needs of Australian communities in a positive manner, underpinned by strong corporate governance and financial management.
All programs of the Indie Education, including Indie School(s), recognise, support and promote the principles and practice of Australian democracy in our teaching approach, including a commitment to:
We treat everyone with respect and dignity regardless of their background and abilities, fostering a harmonious and cohesive environment.
We are responsible to opportunities for innovation and strive to work in ways to better serve individuals.
Continually learn, improve and inspire others to grow and succeed.
We encourage teamwork and collaborative efforts where everyone feels connected and valued in working towards a common vision.
Where State or Commonwealth funding supports training, Indie Education is obliged to submit personal and progress details for research, statistical analysis, program evaluation, post completion survey and internal management purposes.
Indie Education does not share, rent, or sell personal information provided to them. The confidentiality of the information collected is protected under the Commonwealth, Victorian, New South Wales, Tasmania, Western Australia, Queensland and South Australia Privacy Acts (Privacy Act 1988; Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 No 133; Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014; Personal Information Protection Act 2004). If Indie Education is required to disclose information about students to a third party, a written consent from the student must be obtained (ie editorial, photos for advertising or any other purposes, etc).
The Indie Education Whistleblower Policy outlines how individuals can make disclosures and how Indie will protect the identity of those individuals and ensure they are protected from detrimental consequences. This policy applies to students, employees (including full time, part time, permanent, fixed term and casual employees), contractors, volunteers, people undertaking work experience or vocational placements, all members of the Board of Indie, and all of its associated entities and bodies corporate.
We recognise that grievances can arise from time to time and believe that the quick settlement of these matters is in the best interest of all parties concerned. Student Appeals are also welcome if you feel you have justifiable reasons/evidence for your coursework to be re-examined against your Trainer and Assessor's original assessment decision. We document complaints and may use a complaint as an opportunity for continuous improvement. There is a detailed process in our Student Handbook and Staff Handbook advising staff and students how they can make a complaint or an appeal. We also recognise that a member of the general public may wish to make a complaint, if so, please follow the process within the Complaints and Appeals Policy and notify Indie Education via:
Mail: Attention Human Resources, Indie Education, PO Box 129, Wodonga, VIC, 3689
In person: Please address "Attention Human Resources" and deliver to Indie Education's reception, 63 High Street Wodonga.