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Our History

Our History


50+ years of Lifelong Learning
From humble beginnings in the early 1970s as an Independent Adult Education Centre, Indie Education (Formerly Albury Wodonga Community College and prior to that The Continuing Education Centre) has a proud history of community and educational achievements.


Today, as one of the largest Adult Education Centres in non-metropolitan Australia, Indie Education caters for an average of 5,000 people annually, through a broad range of learning activities. 


Indie Education employs more than 820 full-time and part-time staff and trainers/assessors, who each play a positive role in responding to the learning needs of our communities. Indie Education's administration building is located in High Street Wodonga with a further 70+ metropolitan, regional and rural venues across Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia. 


Indie Education's success is attributed to:


  • Being community owned and managed
  • Being created as a not-for-profit company, limited by guarantee
  • Leadership, based on strong community and business experiences
  • People delivering programs and services with appropriate sector pedagogy
  • A vision underpinned with strategic directions and targets, set and realised



Geographic Coverage
Over the years, Indie Education has maintained a unique position as a national education provider, registered in Victoria and New South Wales, Tasmania, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia as an Independent Senior Secondary Schools and Registered Training Organisation.



Outstanding teaching practice
Indie Education prides itself on outstanding teaching practices, measured against outcomes.



Leadership and the Future
Indie Education has developed a unique and demanding leadership style. The goals are broad in order to enable quick responses to various needs, as they are expressed across the community. As a community based provider, Indie Education operates with both innovation and vigour, in order to be ready for the years ahead.